How to Pack a Storage Container When Moving Cross-Country

Portable storage units are one of the more efficient ways to move long distances. The idea is you pack the storage unit, the company moves the unit to your new home, and then you unpack the unit. It’s an economical choice, especially if you don’t want to be stuck driving the truck cross country or handing over your stuff to a long distance storage-in-transit company. Here are some tips to keep in mind when packing your storage container:

Try to Pack in Regular Shapes

When you’re packing, it’s easy to pack in any old way just to get it done. Unfortunately, the rules of packing still apply, so creating regular shapes of normal weight is the name of the game. Regular shapes are easier to pack together and easier to handle on the other end.


Build Walls

When first looking at a portable storage unit, it can seem like there’s a lot of space. The idea is to use walls of stuff to build out space, rather than just chucking stuff inside. These walls pack your belongings in close together, minimizing how much they shift during transport. This protects your items, even those that don’t seem particularly breakable.

Fill the Space Around Furniture

Furniture comes in all kinds of weird shapes. This can make it seem easier just to toss in where it fits. However, planning the space around furniture helps protect the furniture too. Boxes can go under desks or on top of couches, or you can use other odd shaped items. Also, don’t feel you have to store furniture the same way it is used. Sometimes things like couches travel better standing on their end.

Balance the Weight

Having an even distribution of weight can protect your belongings inside the portable storage unit. A balanced storage unit means there are fewer chances of things slamming into one end of the unit or the other. It is also safer to move and unpack without any wild tilts. To achieve this, distribute the furniture throughout along with the heaviest boxes.

Tie Things Down

Even the most tightly packed contents are liable to move during transport. The solution is to tie things down periodically. If it’s a single large object with a lot of weight, tie it down individually. If it’s a wall of boxes, consider running ties across in front of them. Also, consider tying any moving blankets to furniture. This will minimize the shifting, which in turn minimizes damage.


Keep Organized

While it may seem like the furthest thing from your mind when you’re on a deadline, making a packing list will help. If you’re splitting your possessions amongst multiple portable storage units or vehicles, this helps you find items on the other end. It also allows you to direct better any helpers you may have unpacking, since you’ll know where everything came from.


There are a lot of options for how you move, whether it’s local or cross country. Portable Storage units are a great middle ground between true do it yourself and professional moving company. They are a solid, economical choice for moving.